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Read Easy.ai

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Transform your written content into an easily digestible format with Read Easy.ai. Specifically engineered for editors, readers, and developers, our tools make text clear and approachable, catering to users with low literacy skills. Compatible across multiple languages, Read Easy.ai incorporates advanced technology to simplify complex texts without compromising meaning or context.

From Microsoft Office Add-ins streamlining the editing process to a user-friendly Chrome extension for readers, and a comprehensive Developer API for custom applications—we deliver inclusivity and ease of access in written communication. Furthermore, our services are an asset in addressing the literacy challenges faced by many adults in the United States and Europe.

Top Features:

  • **Microsoft Office Add-ins:** Enhance writing with tools that optimize readability for Microsoft Word and Outlook.
  • **Chrome Extension:** Instantly simplify website text to aid users with low literacy levels.
  • **Developer API:** Integrate readability features into your own apps with our robust API.
  • **Multilingual Support:** Our technology supports English Spanish German Dutch and Portuguese to cater to a global audience.
  • **Feedback for Editors:** Real-time suggestions and edits to ensure text is accessible for readers with disabilities.
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