Audio Generation Freemium

Splash Pro

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Welcome to the innovative world of Splash Pro, the next-generation AI music creation platform. Dive into an intuitive interface where you can craft songs utilizing a cutting-edge generative model that’s designed to learn and improve continuously. Start by entering a text prompt, and watch as Splash Pro transforms your ideas into unique musical pieces with options to specify BPM, Key, and Mode to match your creative vision.

Splash Pro Gen-2 is the heart of our music generation, capable of producing unexpected yet high-quality results that can surprise and inspire. The platform’s versatility extends to adding custom vocals: With our Text-to-Vocals feature, users can integrate singing or rap into their compositions, bringing a new level of personalization to both Gen-1 and Gen-2 generated songs.

Music enthusiasts, from producers to hobbyists, looking to explore the boundaries of AI-assisted music creation will find Splash Pro an invaluable tool. Whether you are just getting started or are curious to understand more about our platform, Splash Pro offers resources and prompts to guide your journey, ensuring a seamless and educational user experience. Try Splash Pro for free today and imagine the music you can create with the help of generative AI.

Top Features:

  • **AI-Driven Music Generation:** Utilize Splash Pro’s generative model to create unique songs from text prompts.
  • **Custom Vocals:** Add singing or rap to your AI-generated music with the Text-to-Vocals feature.
  • **User-Friendly Interface:** Easily specify BPM Key and Mode for tailor-made compositions.
  • **Continuous Learning:** Splash Pro’s Gen-2 model is always improving offering an evolving music creation experience.
  • **Educational Resources:** Learn more about Splash Pro’s capabilities and how to use them to enhance your music production.


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  1. Too expensive, the interpreter is garbage, the descriptors are useless, the reference set is incredibly limited, the developers have no clue about jazz, blues, metal or decent orchestral music, apparently. Also, that it uses discord for “communicating” is in itself indicting.